Admin Columns Pro BuddyPress Addon is a plugin that helps you to organize and manage your BuddyPress community without having to use complex code. It is an add-on for Admin Columns Pro, the popular WordPress plugin that enables you to add columns to your WordPress admin screens. With this add-on, you can easily add columns to your BuddyPress admin screens.
The Admin Columns Pro BuddyPress Addon allows you to customize which columns are displayed in your BuddyPress admin screens. You can also arrange them in any order you want. This makes it easier for you to quickly identify and manage your users, groups, and activity without having to go through long lists of data.
The plugin also adds additional functionality to your BuddyPress admin screens. For example, you can create custom filters, search for specific users, or filter by activity type. This makes it easier to locate specific users or groups quickly.
You can also export your BuddyPress data into CSV, Excel, or JSON format. This allows you to manage your data in an organized way. You can also use the plugin to sync your BuddyPress data with other applications.
The plugin is also compatible with other popular WordPress plugins such as Advanced Custom Fields, Custom Post Types UI, and Yoast SEO. This makes it easier to integrate your BuddyPress data with other applications.
Finally, the plugin is optimized for performance. It makes use of the latest technologies to ensure that the plugin runs smoothly and quickly. This means that you can manage your BuddyPress data quickly and effectively.
Overall, the Admin Columns Pro BuddyPress Addon is a great addition to your BuddyPress admin screens. It helps you to manage your data quickly and effectively, and you can easily integrate it with other applications. It is an easy to use plugin that allows you to customize your BuddyPress admin screens and export your data in a variety of formats.
Main features
- Create custom columns for the BuddyPress Members list.
- Filter and sort BuddyPress member fields.
- View and edit user meta data in the members list.
- Automatically resize large images in the BuddyPress members list.
- Quickly export members data to CSV.
- Easily search through BuddyPress member fields.
- Add custom columns to the BuddyPress Groups list.
- View and edit user meta data in the groups list.
- Quickly export group data to CSV.
- Add custom columns to the BuddyPress Activity list.
- View and edit user meta data in the activity list.
- Quickly export activity data to CSV.
At this time, the Admin Columns Pro Buddypress Addon has not been released and therefore cannot be downloaded.
Pricing plan
The different price offers for Admin Columns Pro Buddypress Addon are as follows:
1. Single Site License (1 year): $49
2. Unlimited Sites License (1 year): $99
3. Lifetime License: $249
How to use it ?
- Purchase the Admin Columns Pro Buddypress Addon from the Admin Columns website.
- Download the plugin zip file to your computer.
- Log into your WordPress dashboard and go to the Plugins page.
- Click the “Add New” button and then click “Upload Plugin”.
- Select the plugin zip file you downloaded and click “Install Now”.
- Activate the plugin.
- Go to the Admin Columns page and click the “Buddypress” tab.
- Select the columns you wish to include in your BuddyPress tables and click “Save Changes”.
- Go to the BuddyPress page and you will now see the new columns you added.
Frequently asked questions
1. What features does Admin Columns Pro Buddypress Addon provide?
Answer: Admin Columns Pro Buddypress Addon provides the ability to easily customize the columns of your BuddyPress user lists, as well as providing additional columns to display user profile data, activity, groups and more.
2. Is Admin Columns Pro Buddypress Addon compatible with all BuddyPress themes?
Answer: Admin Columns Pro Buddypress Addon is compatible with all themes that are built with the BuddyPress framework.
3. Does Admin Columns Pro Buddypress Addon work with other plugins?
Answer: Admin Columns Pro Buddypress Addon is compatible with most popular WordPress plugins, including the BuddyPress related plugins.
4. How do I use Admin Columns Pro Buddypress Addon?
Answer: Admin Columns Pro Buddypress Addon provides an easy-to-use interface that allows you to quickly add and edit columns in your BuddyPress user list. You can also customize the columns to display user profile data, activity, groups and more.
5. Is Admin Columns Pro Buddypress Addon easy to setup?
Answer: Yes, Admin Columns Pro Buddypress Addon is easy to setup and use. It provides an intuitive user interface that allows you to quickly add and edit columns in your BuddyPress user list.
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